23 February 2007

Day Three

Not as good a day today. I ran out of time for breakfast, so I really only had my green tea, some homemade anadama bread with Kate's Butter from Maine, and the Mass Three Rubies fruit spread. Plus a hunk of Smith's Country Smoked Gouda.

Then I went to cooking school, where I stayed from 8:30am until 10:00pm. Once again I was "at their mercy," eating whatever was handed to me. Not much of it local at all. All of it far better than merely passable. Different kinds of lean dough breads all afternoon - plus some humus and some soup and some gnocchi that got sent down from one of the upstairs kitchens. This evening - around 9pm - I had a "supper," loosely speaking, of various and sundry sorts of sushi.

So, not a super local day...but then, not every day can be a winner.

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