03 March 2008

Welcome to the Lenten Locavore

I created this blog last year during Lent to keep a record of my attempts to eat as locally as possible in mid-winter, in New England, without any advance preparation.

It was a project doomed to failure, as I noted at the time, and I was not much more successful than I thought I would be. However, I did learn a lot, and you are more than welcome to peruse the site to read about my various accomplishments and failures.

Due to happy current personal life circumstances that require me to eat a plethora of varied fruits and vegetables and to avoid some of my favorite local wines and soft and blue cheeses, I decided to suspend my Lenten Locavore experiment this year. I hope to get back to it next year.

In the meantime, I'm still making good on my New Year's resolution: to avoid eating conventionally raised beef, pork, and chicken. You can read more about the reasoning behind that decision at my other blog: The Reverent Eater. But for the purposes of this blog, let's just call that my year-long Lenten practice for 2008.

Thanks for dropping by!